3-year position at BfR for risk assessor with passion for capacity building

Σας διαβιβάζουμε επιστολή από τον Γερμανικό Οργανισμό BfR, που αφορά σε προκήρυξη θέσης εργασίας

Dear colleagues,

BfR’s international affairs team offers a 3-year position for a senior scientist. We are looking for a food safety risk assessor with a passion for capacity building and teaching. The successful candidate will take over the lead of the component “Risk Assessment” in the project “Strengthening food safety and consumer protection in Tunisia” and will support the activities of BfR as part of an EFSA-funded project to establish sustainable risk assessement training structures in Europe.

She/he speaks French and English fluently (German is not required), is ready to move to Berlin and to regularly travel to Tunis and European destinations.  

This is an exciting job and career opportunity! Please help to spread this advertisement as widely a possible within the risk assessment      community.

The ad will be published here: https://www.bfr.bund.de/en/job_advertisement.html